When do you notice that eatsing disoereds pose a health risk?
Youth health, like the right of every human being, is to have the best possible physical and mental health. Today (02.10) at the Viekšniai Gymnasium, we talked with the eighth-graders about the distorted image in the mirror, about the fact that during adolescence a young person experiences growth spurts and related changes in appearance, about the fact that a young person often becomes a victim of the fashion industry and about nutritional disorders, which inevitably increase ..Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, overeating. When do you notice that eating disorders pose a health risk? and where to look for help? (https://pagalbasau.lt/valgymo-sutrikimai/) (www.sveikatostinklas.lt)

Partner of Project - Mažeikiai police community officers
Mažeikiai police community officers. We have visited the educational institutions of the Mažeikiai district with the officials more than once, talking about the problems (dependencies) and responsibilities of young people, and we will do so again and again. Thanks for your cooperation. And to everyone reading, happy days of the restoration of the state of Lithuania tomorrow and a good "run for freedom". In the photos: JPSPP coordinator M. Malinauskienė and Mažeikiai police commissariat chief A. Meškys.

Partner of Project - Association Gabijos Šauliai
R. Skrodenytė, the head of the Association Gabijas Šauliai (and my former teacher - author) carries out an "invisible" mission - rallying young people for citizenship. I could say many more nice words...but today let's talk about the fact that Mažeikiai Jaunimas Sveikiau has another partner who contributes to a healthier youth today. March. already planned activities.

The "green coridor" in Mažeikiai
The green corridor is an opportunity for the youth of Mažeikiai (14-29 years) to solve health-related problems faster, it makes it easier for young people to talk to a certain specialist in the required field in the near future, and the visit is confidential. Services are non-discriminatory and free of charge. The "green corridor" contract concluded with VšĮ Mažeikių Regional Hospital will give young people the opportunity to receive gynecologist and urologist services in the near future.

2022 03 01 On the first day of the calendar spring, the youth of Mažeikiai (Viekšniai gymnasium students, Gabija gymnasium students, youth of Telšiai youth employment department of Mažeikiai) listened to trainings on a sensitive topic:
"Suicide and self-harm prevention"
The algorithm (training) implemented in Mažeikiai is financed according to the project of the European Economic Area and Norwegian financial mechanisms: "Implementation of the Model of Provision of Youth - Friendly Health Care Services (JPSPP) in Plungė, Mažeikiai and Tauragė Municipalities". This is a recent training for young people. There will be more of them. Lecturer from Vilnius - Gintarė Razulevičiūtė shared her personal experience and knowledge based on science.

Supervision in Mažeikiai
September 23rd.

Training for youth Židikai
"Depression Prevention Algorithm"
December 21